Dec 6, 2013

la Fin

Things have been pretty slow here, for a long time, and for a good reason: Alex is no more is LA but NYC, the blog can't continue on that path. I've moved to tumblr, mostly because it seems to work better and I was tired of Blogspot.
Anyway, feel free to contemplate some new pictures and add this new website on your RSS feed. Use those pictures, share the word, whatever you want to do. It helps me to take better pictures or at least give me a little goal when I take a new one.

Here is the link:


Les choses ont bien ralenti ici, et c'est pour une bonne raison. Alex n'est plus à LA mais à NYC ce qui change la donne. Le blog ne peut plus continuer sur ce chemin! J'ai donc déménagé pour tumblr, en grande partie parce que Blogspot me soulait, et ça a l'air de mieux marcher.
Enfin bon, soyez libre de partager le lien, de l'ajouter à votre lecteur RSS, de contempler de nouvelles photos, de les utiliser pour vous, peut importe. Ca m'aide juste à avoir un but quand je prends une photo.

Voilà le lien:


Jul 28, 2013

oh by the way blog...

oh by the way blog... I'm getting married tomorrow! 

Yep, that's right!

May 5, 2013

L.A. - Bird's Eyes

Just found this crazy picture of Downtown Los Angeles. I had to share it!

Los Angeles

Apr 28, 2013

All band on deck - Kisses/Y.A.C.H.T/Poolside

Kisses at All Band on Deck (Santa Monica Pier)

Better check out these guys on stop listening to music right now (and also Poolside and YACHT!)

and then we got engaged....

Of course, that was back in February also... I know, I'm having a hard time to catch up

Puisqu'on y est, je vous donne un rapide aperçu des mois qui viennent: Après s'être fiancé, nous avons aussi choisi de partir de Los Angeles (oui je sais c'est triste, le blog s'arrêtera avec ce départ, encore plus triste, mais attendez de savoir ou nous allons atterrir...). Les destinations possibles, d'Ouest en Est: Seattle, Berkeley, Gainesville (Florida), ou New York City. Amber ayant été acceptée haut la main dans chacun de ces programmes, nous avons choisi.... NEW YORK CITY, pour beaucoup de raisons que je serais ravi de partager avec les plus curieux.

Donc, pour résumer nous déménageons à New York mi Aout (road trip à la clé! héhé!), mais avant ça, passage par la case mariage (elle est pas au Monopoly celle là) et changement de boulot (en recherche active!). 

Enfin voilà le programme des mois à venir... j'essaie de poster plus photos dans la journée.

Wrightwood moss

Le texte est cout mais les images ont là. Voici quelques photos prises lors d'une balade dans les montage à la recherche de mousse. Mes journées et semaines sont bien chargées, ces photos ont été prises fin Février.

Mar 9, 2013

Mar 8, 2013

Double rainbow

Crazy double rainbow seen at work today (picture is not from me but a coworker)!
Incroyable!!!!!! Incredible!!! 

Mar 3, 2013


As Amber was visiting NYC, the Big Apple, or if you prefer New York City, for interviews, I joined her for a quick look at what might be one of life adventure playground...

Feb 23, 2013

In the meantime in L.A.

Winter sunsets from work... Couple weeks until Spring Forward!!

Hollywood sign from the metro station

DTLA from Pershing Square

Across from Drago Centro... A place to definitely try out in L.A. if you're looking for a good Italian Restaurant

A Valentine's Chihuahua?


PE Lofts light well


Well's Fargo Tower 

No Comment!

Still alive, more pictures to come soon...

Jan 27, 2013


Another view from the top. Los Angeles was split up on Saturday between fog by the beach and sun further.

If you were by the beach and not far form the Santa Monica mountains, the trick was to climb up to find the light! (which we did)!!

FYI, the ocean is right behind the clouds

Road trippin'

"In Big Sur we take some time to linger on..."

I haven't actually been there in a long time but found this video on line presenting Big Sur with quite a dramatical theme. Here are some pretty pictures taken along the Pacific Coast Highway leading to Big Sur, California (south of Monterey), on the beach and around.

Jan 24, 2013


I wish I had the time to tell you more about all of these pictures... It's getting late, so I will let you enjoy them and why not let you guys imagine...