Nov 12, 2012

Some old friends

Just because we thought we could get to see the Endeavour Expo today but got turned away and attracted by much more interesting. Let me present you some old friends of mine...

I think the guys from Jurassic Park did the exposition: "Birds are like dinosaures in many ways: the way the gather and protect their offsprings, the way they hunt and the way they change their look to attract the opposite sex..."  We got it! Big scary birds!
Well I learnt a lot too and at the same time became member of the Natural History Museum, for fun! Apparently they have cool opening parties, "where you can get some drinks" said the girl at the entrance. Well why not, sounds like fun!

Time to have a new look at Jurassic Park now!!  


  1. Belles photos comme d'hab ! Petite question : qui l'emporte ? La culture ou la boisson ?
    Une petite phrase en français de temps en temps, fera plaisir aux frenchies et t'évitera d'oublier ta langue maternelle ! :)))
    La bise

    1. J'essaie d'en avoir pour tous les goûts. Le post précédent est entièrement en français. Je promets de faire un effort!

      La culture bien sur!

      Gros bisous
